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Bruno may be gone but NEVER forgotten nor unloved

by Pete
(Alexandria NH)

Today I lost my best friend. I live alone in the woods, especially now.

Bruno was always a major factor in my life. He totally loved his Daddy and wasn't afraid to show it. He was a black and tan coonhound. Way too shy to hunt, but a perfect companion.

I will miss him till the day I pick him up to cross the bridge together

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Nov 23, 2014
by: Anonymous

sorry for your loss. I too lost my best friend 6 months ago. Its been really rough. He was a black lab that was my soulmate. He lived only to please me. I am devastated by the loss. I know your pain Praying for you. Wish you well. Hoping to meet at rainbow bridge.

Nov 15, 2014
Honor Bruno
by: Annie

I suggest you get another dog not to replace him, nbut to HONOR him. Maybe a rescue if you have a shelter in your area. You both will need each other. Good luck you sound like a good man.

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